I didn't realize it had been over 2 months since I blogged last... and it's not that nothing has happened... but... I just didn't feel like it??? hahahaha... good excuse right? Well I don't even know where to start!! Hmmmm...
How about I just start with a puppy update???
The boys are getting HUGE... and getting their adult coats in so they look a little strange but awesome! haha! They also went on their first bikejoring run... Kap with Maddie and Mac with Shay... and they did great! :D I'll get you some pics! :D Steal them from Shannon's Photobucket haha!
Here's Wylie (Dad) and his boys outside playing and getting SUPER dirty!! :D

Here's Mac and his Auntie Shay in their Bikejoring gear!

Here's Kap and Maddie (Mom) in their gear! :D

Hope that was enough puppy update... there's way too much and if I ever wanna get to bed then I gotta get this done quickly... short version of everything! haha!
Hmmm ok well onto the Hanson concert in Vancouver in Sept... how about that??? Means I gotta go and edit more pics :S
Haida, Alyssa and I all went to Vancouver for the Hanson show... they went on to go do the Spokane show, which I had planned on going to as well but I had to housesit for my sister while she went to Minnesota to go to a preseason Wild game... we stayed at their friend Kenn's house... who was awesome... we had loads of fun and barely any sleep... which is always the best right?? lol!
Us girls the night before the show.
Alyssa and Haida inside before the show... it had been pouring outside :(
Ooooon to the next thing... For my birthday (although 2 weeks before my actual birthday) Haida and I went to my first hockey game in years (her first hockey game... ever... I know... disturbing right?? ;P). We went to the Canes vs. Canuck game, unfortunately my Canes lost :( but we had SO much fun... laughed WAY too much that weekend... and I got to meet Chad LaRose and Joni Pitkanen... very nice... I had always heard that Pitkanen wasn't very fan friendly but he really was... I didn't even need to call him over to sign the jersey (my sister's Finnish jersey she wore to the olympics, I told her I'd try to get the Finns to sign it)... I just looked up and smiled and he knew I was going to ask so he smiled and came right over... and took a pic with me... other than Mikko Koivu he is definitely my fave Finn... got my pic with LaRose too...
Other than losing the game... the WORST part of that day (other than having the teams "friendliest" player Tuomo Ruutu COMPLETELY ignore me when I was the ONLY one calling him over) was the FREAKING Puck Bunnies... GAH! I REALLY can't stand them... I don't think Haida really understood my disgust with them until that day... they don't care if a player is happily married... they just want them... no matter what... freaking disgusting... tacky... bleh! But yes... this was supposed to be short right??? hahahahah! Time for pics!
Haida and her first hockey ticket! Too bad it has Linden on it :S
Me and Joni Pitkanen
Haida getting ready for the warmups!
Sutter being interviewed by Sportsnet (I believe)
Eric Staal again...
Patrick O'Sullivan (former Wild ;) )
The day after the game was still a busy day... Haida and I went back down to Vancouver to just see some sights (she doesn't go don't to Van very often lol). This was kind of her weekend of firsts hahaha... first hockey game, first Cinnzeo hahahaha! Too bad I didn't take a pic of her eating her first bite! :P But here are like 2 pics of her Vancouver adventures... we were having too much fun to keep taking out the cam!
Haida and the world's Largest Tin Soldier haha!
Ok... well I think that's it for now... it's 3am and I have too to get to bed soon! haha! Hopefully I can keep this up... for a little while ;)