Monday, August 23, 2010

3 Days out with PUPPIES!!

So Shannon, my dad and I took the puppies out to the Princeton Traditional Music Fest over the weekend and then we went walking on a trail today! They're getting pretty good on leash, get tired easily but they are only 8 weeks!!! haha!

At the music festival they got to meet a few new dogs, one scared them, a 5 month old chesapeake bay retriever who decided to lunge at them cause of treats... some new people and a few rambunctious kids! Mac got scared by a few of them, but it wasn't his fault... they were being a bit rough! For the most part everything went well... only thing that bothered me was that like only ONE person guessed that the pups were border collies... the rest either asked what they were mixed with or said they must be huskies... WRONG... they are purebred registered BORDER COLLIES!! JEEZ.... YES BC's can have BLUE eyes!! GAH!!!

Here are some pics from day #1 and day #2...

Mac meeting a nice little girl :D
Kap getting some good belly rubs from kids!
Mac posing on a pillar type thing...
Kap on the pillar... after his suicide attempt.... he jumped off :S
Mac's first swim in the river!!
Kap on his first swim... they both did surprisingly well...
Drowned rat anyone??? Hehehehe poor baby! hahaha!
After the first day... they were exhausted...
The boys playing...
Near the end of day #2 when we stopped for coffee...
One of the moments that Kap actually relaxed... Mac was asleep by this time...

Day #3 consisted of me bringing Mai-Bee along for the boys to meet a nice friendly stranger dog... Maddie, Shay and Miki came along for the walk... the boys seemed to be a bit weary of Mai at first but got used to her quickly... and Mai behaved as expected... lol... Walk wasn't long of course... can't wear the puppies out too much... or myself hahahahhaa!!
Nice family picture.... minus like 10 dogs MUAHAHAHAHA!
Another pic... I just absolutely love these dogs!!
My dad and I walking with the dogs... Mai taking lead... which she doesn't usually do... but it was because Shannon was crouching taking pics of us walking towards her...

Here's Mac taking a rest on Grandma (Shannon's) shoulder... this was near the end of the walk...
And Kap taking a rest on Great-Aunt's (ME!!) shoulder...

Nothing else is new really... but I wanted to give you an update... so there it is... hahahaha... enjoy!!

Talk soon! :D

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