Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Housesitting... Dogsitting... Catsitting... Birdsitting... Bunnysitting...

Yes I am doing each of these at my sister's for the next few days lol!!! She is visiting our mom with Maddie and the puppies... so far so good... everyone is getting along, just fed the dogs... the only thing that would make the whole thing easier is if I had good cell reception and wifi haha! I have things to send on my phone but can't because of that!

Dogs are being good and I should have some pics for a blog soon... when I finally get my cam out there haha! Have a few on my phone but like I said I don't really have a way of getting them off the phone right now... cats are driving me a little crazy though... soooooooooo affectionate! LMAO... can't get a moment's peace unless I'm in bed...and then I have to deal with VERY cuddly dogs... yes they are allowed on the bed when called... but when they are up there Wylie (puppies dad) won't sit still!! Just rolls all over the place happy to be up there!! I have a few bruises from him hahah! I kicked them all off after a bit... needed SOME sleep! It seems 2 of the cats, Bitsy and Jenny, follow me EVERYWHERE!!! Can't get away from them!! They follow me meowing sometimes too! hahaha! Love seeing them though...

I am so unbelievably tired right now... lol.. I woke up from a nap about an hour ago... only slept like 2 hours last night so I needed it... even though I feel like I haven't slept at all right now haha!

Was watching A&E's version of Pride and Prejudice earlier... but then the DVD player went weird on me so I'll have to watch it in this room later... it's a bit warm in here... need to open some windows and hope that not too many mosquitos get in :S After what happened to my few bites last time I do NOT want any more :S

Haha... now I have Bitsy snuggling in my lap... with her SUPER SHARP CLAWWWWS!!! OWWW!!! But she's cuuuute... fluffy and cute... she won't stop rubbing on my hand and it's messing up my typing... keep having to correct myself... ooooh Bon Jovi just came on... And here comes Jenny :S She's super adorable too but she is baaaaaad... baaaaad kitty!!! Iggy is busy cleaning Jenny... lol... her head is soaked now hahahahahaha!!

Well I think that's about it... I need to let the dogs out... make sure everyone else has food and water... and then do some more relaxing and such lol! Talk soon!


  1. I love that you talk about whats going on around you

  2. LMAO most people would find that boring... hahaha... I can't help myself... I seem to just blog exactly what's going through my head...
