Monday, March 22, 2010

I Hate This Town Sometimes....

I really can't stand this town sometimes... today I can't stand it because I can't go outside into the front yard to play with my dogs... why?? Because people can't walk their dogs ON LEASH!! I can't even walk my dogs like everyone else because I don't trust their dogs... I walk mine on leash ALL the time... I know that anything can set a dog off!!

I was having a good time tossing a frisbee for Jasper but had to stop because my neighbour came out of his yard with both his dogs off leash... first why let them run out of the yard off leash when you know a car can come speeding by and hit them?? I don't think these people care AT ALL about the welfare of their dogs... When letting my dogs out of the yard just to put them into the truck I make them sit and stay at the gate and I walk to the street to look for cars, dogs and people.

Poor Jasper... he was having so much fun! He LOVES frisbee... The weather is finally nice enough to take them out and I'm having to watch for idiots!

As you can tell this isn't really a blog... more of a rant... I may do this from time to time... and I can assure you that 95% of the time it will be about this RETARDED town!!!

End rant....