Sunday, March 28, 2010

Makin' Soup!

Yeah so I'm a little bit obsessed with Lipton Chicken Noodle Soup right now! It's just so yummy!! lol!! And it's been a bit colder here lately so it makes sense that I would want something warm... might even have some hot chocolate later! What do you say to that??? hmmmmm???? Nothing... of course!

I keep wanting to watch movies... but then when I get to it I'm all "naaaaah, I don't feel like watching that one now" even though 2 mins earlier I was super excited to watch it! Like I wanted to watch Twister earlier, and I do right this second too, but I know that when I go reach for it I won't want to anymore. Did the same thing with Mean Girls because of Johnny, and also with Pride and Prejudice which I LOOOOOOVE!!! A few other movies too but I just can't seem to remember them.... OH Footloose is one... and Saturday Night Fever... bah that is it!!! I am putting in a movie RIGHT NOW!! brb...

Ok Twister is IN!!! WOOHOO!!! gotta get my glasses so I can see haha!! Glasses ooooooooon!!! muahahahahaha!!!

ok got my glasses, my soup and my iced tea! Yeah I know iced tea and hot soup don't really go together traditionally... but I like 'em! And yes it will drive my teeth crazy going from hot to cold but again... I like 'em!

I am really not sure WHY I love this movie so much!! But I just can't seem to get sick of it! If I'm bored and don't know what to watch I know I can just put that in and enjoy!

Mmmmm this soup is soooo good! Maybe a little strong but still really good!

Even the Melissa in this movie is annoying!!! GAH!!!

Soup all gone!!! Not much else to talk about either... hmmm... man I'm in a boring mood :S Ok well I'm going for now then... maybe I'll think of something else later....

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