Friday, July 16, 2010

Ok... let's get back to it....

Ok ok... been a few more days... it's really hard to blog when you haven't done much... believe it or not I haven't made a fool of myself lately... CRAZY I know!!!!

Well... got good new yesterday... Captain Mikko Koivu signed for 7 YEARS yesterday! WOOWOO!!! So the State of Hockey gets one of the most underrated players for 7 more years!!! There was such an uproar about it too!!! A lot of fans (not Wild fans obviously although there were SOME) were saying he wasn't worth it and blah blah blah! After a while it stops being annoying and just gets SERIOUSLY AMUSING!!! They have NO idea how good he is and how good he will be... I can't wait for him to prove all of them wrong!!! I'm so excited for that!!! I'm sooo excited to be able to say "I told you so!!" and maybe get even MORE immature and stick out my tongue and laugh... :D.... nothing wrong with that right?? heh heh heh... Anyways... yes I'm super excited!

Hmmm what else... oh yeah I'm back at home... got home yesterday... didn't realize how much I missed my kids! The furry kind of course! And it seemed Jasper was the happiest to see me... he's not a HUGE licker but when I was petting him he wouldn't stop licking my arms and hands... felt nice to be missed like that... I'm pretty sure the other dogs don't care haha! Isn't that nice??

Also when I was at my mom's we had some wildlife visitors... a cub (probably about a year old) and his mom (that never showed herself) and a doe and her fawn... got some pretty good pics... lets see if I can post them nicely here... there are like 16 and I couldn't choose any less :S hahaha so... sorry!! The rest will be on Facebook... yes there are more!! :0 hahahaha!

Not sure how to put frames on them or anything... and you know I just don't care enough to figure it out... lol... this isn't any big fancy blog... doesn't need frames right??!?!?!? :D

Not sure what else to write about... except my fishy Mick is sick :( probably Ich... so I got the stuff to use... and am setting the tank up (my sister's 50 gallon tank) to make is a hospital tank for now so I can treat him and make him all better... hope it works :( he's been with us for about 7 years!!!

Also I've been doing a bit more training with the dogs... teaching a few of them to balance a treat on their nose and to leave it until I say "ok".... they all got it at one point... but I think Mai and Jasper will be best at it... I love Abeille but she can be a bit slow... hahahaha... and Jasper is a pain cause he slooooowly moves his face a little hoping the treat will roll off so he can have it :S bad smart dog!! hahahaha!!

Ok now I think that's it for sure tonight :D hahaha! Hope you liked the pics! :D Was going to have captions for them but my brain is slow and didn't want to be creative! hahaha!


  1. Thanks!!! I will have them all and more on FB later... you'll be able to see them clearer...

  2. Such cool shots. Of the deers and bears
