Thursday, July 1, 2010


Just thought I should apologize in advance... or really I should have before the last post... I am very likely going to be posting blogs about hockey... or at least have a paragraph or two dedicated to hockey in my blogs... not all the time though of course... but I just wanted to give the non hockey fans (like all of you hahaha) a heads up... because I'm sure you could care less about what player is playing for which team and why I hope they NEVER play for the Canucks... unless I already hate them... then I don't care... and I just don't want them on MY teams... like Boogaard... but then again I don't want him playing for the Nucks either because he's HUGE and will probably end up injuring players especially if the Nucks get him to play the way they like to play...

ANYWAY... this wasn't meant to be as long as it is... so... yeah... sorry for the hockey posts... haha!

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