Saturday, July 31, 2010


Yes... you heard correctly... I have finally met the 2 boys!! I can't BELIEVE how freaking cute they are... like those pics are cute... yes... but the real thing is just ridiculous!!! You don't realize how fluffy Kap is and how chunky Mac is!! And the pics do not show you Mac's awesome personality!! I absolutely LOVE these pups!! Don't have any new pics... but then you didn't REALLY want any did you??? MUAHAHAHAH!!! Gah!!! They're just soooo cute!!! They lick your face!!! And even though their puppy breath is suuuuper bad you just can't help but love the kisses!!! :D

But I have a youtube link for you!!!!! :D Puppies getting vacuumed!!! You'll see some of Mac's GOLDEN personality!! :D

I didn't do too much else today... went to work with my dad to help him out... 2 new boarders were coming in... Airedale Terriers... I am not a fan of terriers... but these ones seem ok... there are two GSDs being boarded too... LOVE THEM... nice looking... great temperaments... so sweet... There is this one dog... Red... jackass!!! Or seems to be so far... tries to start fights through the fence with some dogs... bad dog! Have to keep yelling at him... only way he stops... just have to yell his name though... so that's good haha!

Oh and I'm learning how to drive... in stages... stage 1.... the ride-on lawn mower ;) hahahahahahaahaha!!! Yes I'm joking about driving... but not the lawn mower... I was driving it at work... it was interesting hahahaha... was also attacked by mosquitos too!!! I had two just snacking on my arm right beside each other! I blew at them to make them go away but I guess I tasted too good to give up! So I SMACKED them!! now it looks like I've been bitten by some GIGANTIC spider!!!

What else... nope... can't think of anything else :( Sorry... hope you enjoyed it anyway! hahahaha!

OH!!! Yeah so Haida and I are trying to get my sister Shannon to blog... but she says she tried but nothing interesting enough happens... I say it doesn't matter... cause some of the most uninteresting things will be interesting to OTHER people... I have no life... but my friends seem to enjoy my blogs... so as long as ONE person is reading it it's all good! :D So... SHANNON.... GET A BLOG!!! :D Love me.... and Haida :D

ok... now that's it... :D


  1. love it. and the puppeis so cute i want to stab my eye

  2. LMAO!!! I KNOW!!! I just wanted to eat them up!!!
    But maybe you shouldn't stab your eye... cause then you couldn't see them... well you'd have the other eye right??? BAHAHAHAHA!

  3. i will rename myslef 'One eyed Jane'

  4. you mean... 'One eyed BARBARA!!!' MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

  5. hahahahaha and i will marry a man named Joni
