Minnesota lost two players and signed two players... John Scott has been signed by Chicago and Andrew Ebbett will be playing with Ray Whitney in Phoenix... The Wild signed Drew Bagnall from the Kings and Warren Peters from the Stars...
Of course those are just the deals I care about...
Ok... onto other stuff??? like... I had pizza today yummy!!!
I also had to buy new earbuds since my other ones decided to die... which sucks cause they gave great sound... these new ones seem like half as loud... and I want LOUD!!! Hahahahaha!! Sometimes I just wanna drown myself in music... and not think of anything else... can't do that if the music isn't loud enough and I can still hear the fish tank!!! BAH!
Listening to Europe's Rock the Night... ahahaha love this song...
Gah today seems to have been pretty boring... I wanna keep writing but I can't since I don't have much to talk about... not even anything to ramble on about like I usually do... maybe it's cause I'm tired... still need to do laundry... going to the Plaza tomorrow with my dad...
Yep... sorry that's all for tonight folks! hahaha like the 2 or 3 folks that I know read this lol!!! Maybe later I'll think of something...
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